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The Circle of Reflection and Exchange of Tax Administration Leaders, is an international association of 31 tax administrations (30 members and 1 associate member). Founded in 1982 and with 40 years of experience, CREDAF is recognised as a major player both in the support of its members and in the partnerships it has established with international organisations, for which it has become a full partner today.

Actions of CREDAF

Each year, CREDAF organises about ten international events: annual conference, directors’ seminars, working groups, training seminar(s) and other thematic meetings. Each CREDAF event is led by high-level experts from the tax administrations of its members. A rich and complete documentation is made available to the participants on the topic treated, and all the debates give rise to written summaries.


CREDAF has established contacts with international organisations for which it has now become a fully-fledged partner.  To date, it has concluded six cooperation agreements with CIAT (2013), the OECD (2015), the former UNDP Development Strategy and Public Finance Unit (2016), the OIF (2017), FERDI (2017) and Mines ParisTech School (2017).

In addition to these partnerships, CREDAF is a founding member of the Network of Tax Organisations (NTO) and a supporting organisation of the Addis Ababa Tax Initiative (ATI).

These partnerships enable the implementation of concrete actions for the benefit of its member countries.


CREDAF is also and above all a privileged framework for the exchange of experiences, the sharing of good practices and the opportunity to deepen or set up regional and international cooperation, with a view to helping its members to better face the new challenges. All this in a spirit of conviviality and fraternity recognised by all. I am proud and honoured by the responsibilities entrusted to me within this beautiful international organisation that is CREDAF.

Catherine LEMESLE

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Ismaila DIALLO, Deputy General Secretary


Given the development of CREDAF’s activities over the past years, the Association wished to strengthen the structure of its General Secretariat. Consequently, Mr. Ismaïla DIALLO was appointed Deputy Secretary General of CREDAF at the 33rd General Assembly held on 22 May 2017 in Lomé, Togo, on the sidelines of the 32nd CREDAF International Symposium.

Senior Inspector of Taxes and Domains within the Senegalese tax administration, Mr. DIALLO was previously Technical Advisor at the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Planning of Senegal, before joining CREDAF as a permanent mission Officer, since November 2016.

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Kim Gravel, Conseillère en relations internationales


Kim occupe un poste de Conseillère en relations internationales au sein du Bureau des relations et conventions internationales de l’Agence du Revenu du Canada (ARC) qu’elle a rejoint en 2016. Mise à la disposition du Secrétariat général du CREDAF par l’ARC, elle travaille à temps partiel depuis Ottawa. Dans le cadre de ses attributions, elle s’occupe notamment du « scanning environnemental » des sites internet de nos membres en vue de l’élaboration de la lettre d’information trimestrielle du CREDAF.

Kim détient un baccalauréat (Master 1) en développement international et mondialisation de l’Université d’Ottawa. Elle est la correspondante du Canada pour le CREDAF, ainsi que pour d’autres organisations régionales telles que le CIAT et le CATA.

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Barbara HERAUD, Auditor

Barbara HERAUD is not part of the CREDAF team per se, but she is nevertheless an important link in the system. Her mission is to ensure an exhaustive verification of the accounting documents (approximately 450 per year), thus providing security for the members of CREDAF and the Secretary General.

She also provides technical advice to the Secretary General in the context of certain unusual accounting entries or in relations with the bank managing the association’s accounts.
