In order to enable the implementation of the guides produced by each working group, CREDAF organizes training seminars for trainers.
Ces séminaires, réservés aux membres du CREDAF, alternent les séances plénières et les travaux pratiques en ateliers afin de permettre aux participants d’appréhender le guide et de mettre en place, de retour dans leurs pays respectifs, la formation du personnel de leur administration.
Année Country Themes Animation
2017 BURKINA FASO Support for the guide on “Taxation of extractive industries” Ivory Coast/France
2016 MOROCCO Support for the help guide for “VAT credit refunds” Sénégal/Pôle de Dakar
2015 HAÏTI Support for the help guide for evaluating tax expenditures Belgium/Morocco
2014 RÉP. DÉM. DU CONGO Support for the guide on the implementation of tax conventions Belgium/Senegal
2013 CANADA Support for the guide on the definition of functional needs and prerequisites for computerization Canada/France
2012 NIGER Methods for implementing a guide to contractualization of objectives Bénin/France
2011 CONGO Methods for implementing an auditor’s guide France/Guinée
2010 ALGERIA Modalities for implementing a guide to litigation procedures France/Morocco
2009 LEBANON Modalities for implementing a taxpayer charter Canada/Mali
2008 IVORY COAST Modalities for implementing the ethics guide for tax administration officials Ivory Coast/France